
Chair for Biomaterials 2023

Spider silk & protein materials

Molecular Biology

Cell Culture

3D Printing

Meet Prof. Scheibel

Prof. Dr. Thomas Scheibel is full professor for Biomaterials and head of the department at the University of Bayreuth, Germany. He further is currently Vice President for Research at his University.

After studying biochemistry at the University of Regensburg, Germany, he graduated in 1994. He obtained his PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in 1998 from the Institute of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry at the University of Regensburg, Germany. After three years as a postdoc at the University of Chicago, Chicago USA, he was assistant professor (C1) at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, and finished his habilitation in 2007.

Amongst his awards are the “Junior Scientist Award of the Materials week” (2004), the “Communicator Award of the Promega GmbH” (2005), the “Innovation Award from the Bavarian Prime Minister” (2006), the Award “Innovation made by nature” of the German Federal ministry of science (2007), the “Heinz-Maier-Leibnitz Medal” (2007), the “Karl-Heinz-Beckurts-Award” (2008), the “Dr R A Mashelkar Endowment Lecture on Advanced Materials”, National Chemical Laboratory, India (2013) and the “Dechema-Award” (2013). Since 2014 he is a member of the German National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech).

CV_Thomas Scheibel

What our researchers are saying

I got to know the group multiple times during my master’s studies in Biofabrication and found their research very interesting. I have a process engineering background and the group is diverse enough to also accommodate research in engineering topics not directly related to biomaterials. The atmosphere here is also open, I can freely discuss with my fellow PhD candidates as well as senior staff about anything.

Ng, Xuen (M.Sc.)

graduate student

My scientific development began with the study program Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at the UBT, and it soon became clear to me that it is particularly the biology on a molecular level which fascinates me the most. Since then I gradually elaborated more into this particular direction and finally arrived in the multidisciplinary field of biomaterials. That gave me the opportunity to get first hand experience in the exciting field of tissue engineering during my Master Thesis, which path I will continue during my PhD studies. The collaboration with colleagues from a multitude of disciplinary backgrounds is remarkable and allows the view on the scientific challenges of our time from different angles to overcome them together.

Dr. Salehi-Müller, Sahar

group leader

As a young researcher, joining the chair of Biomaterials gave me the opportunity to establish my research group focusing on biofabrication and engineering of various tissues like cornea, neuronal and musculoskeletal tissues. I enjoy the possibility of broad national and international networking and collaboration at the UBT.

Dr. Gruhn, Thomas

group leader

At the Chair of Biomaterials I am engaged in computer simulations. This is a good complement to experimental investigations. It is the exchange between the colleagues, who bring a wide range of knowledge with them that leads to a good and creative working atmosphere.

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