» Publication Years » 2007
Humenik M., Huang Y., Wang Y., Sprinzl M.
C-terminal incorporation of bio-orthogonal azide groups into a protein and preparation of protein-oligodeoxynucleotide conjugates by Cu(l)-catalyzed cycloaddition
ChemBioChem 8, 1103-1106
Minarik A., Humenik M., Li S., Huang Y., Krausch G., Sprinzl M.
Ligand-Directed Immobilization of Proteins through an Esterase 2 Fusion Tag Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy
ChemBioChem 9, 124-130
Sen Gupta S., Scheibel T.
Folding, self-assembly and conformational switches of proteins.
Protein Folding-Misfolding: Some Current Concepts of Protein Chemistry, 1-33
Scheibel T., Roemer L.
Herstellung und Anwendung von Spinnenseide
Bionik: Patente aus der Natur, 3, 130-139
Vendrely C., Scheibel T.
Biotechnological production of spider silk proteins enables new applications
Macromol Biosci. 7, 4, 401-409.
Römer L., Scheibel T.
Grundlagen für neue Materialien – Seidenproteine
Chemie i. u. 41, 306-314
Lodderstedt G., Hess S., Hause G., Scheuermann T., Scheibel T., Schwarz E.
Effect of OPMD-associated extension of seven alanines on the fibrillation properties of the N-terminal domain of PABPN1
FEBS. J.274, 2, 346-355.
Slotta U., Hess S., Spiess K., Stromer T., Serpell L., Scheibel T.
Spider silk and amyloid fibrils – a structural comparison
Macromol. Biosci. 7, 183-188
Exler J H., Hümmerich D., Scheibel T.
The amphiphilic properties of spider silks are important for spinning
Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. 46, 3559-3562
Hermanson K D., Huemmerich D., Scheibel T., Bausch A R.
Engineered microcapsules made of reconstituted spider silk
Adv. Mater. 19, 1810-1815
Schmidt M., Romer L., Strehle M., Scheibel T.
Conquering isoleucine auxotrophy of Escherichia coli BLR(DE3) to recombinantly produce spider silk proteins in minimal media
Biotechnol. Lett. 29, 1741-1744
Metwalli E., Slotta U., Darko C., Roth S V., Scheibel T., Papadakis C M.
Structural changes of thin films from recombinant spider silk proteins upon post treatment
Appl. Phys. A. 89, 655-661
Dong J., Bloom D J., Goncharov V., Chattopadhyay M., Millhauser L G., Lynn G D., Scheibel T., Susan L.
Probing the role of PrP repeats in conformational conversion and amyloid assembly of chimeric yeast prions
J. Biol. Chem. 282, 47, 34204–34212
Scheibel T, Römer L., Spieß K., Slotta U.
Transparente Folien aus Spinnenseide – Ein Hocheistungsmaterial aus der Natur in neuem Gewand
GIT Labor-Fachz. 11, 928-931
Hess S., Lindquist S., Scheibel T.
Alternate assembly pathways of the amyloidogenic yeast prion determinant Sup35p-NM
EMBO Rep. 8,1196-1201
Hermanson K D., Harasim M B., Scheibel T., Bausch A R.
Permeability of silk microcapsules made by the interfacial adsorption of protein
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 9, 6442-6446
Scheibel T
Herstellung und Anwendung von Spinnenseide
Bionik. Patente aus der Natur 3. Bionik Konferenz. 130-139